"Trust Your Gut"
There’s hundreds of years of Eastern Medicine behind this mantra for a reason: the state of your digestion reflects the state of your health. So what’s yours telling you?
We’ll help you find out.
Think less bloating, more energy, less inflammation, more vitality.
At The Gut Center, we’re dedicated to transforming lives through functional health testing, Kitchari cleanses, personalized nutrition, supplement, + lifestyle protocols, and digestive products for optimal health and radiance.
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From $350.00
From $325.00
From $18.00
We Find the Root Cause
Health symptoms arise from an accumulation of toxins inside the body. While symptoms may be common, like gas, bloating, or brain fog, they are not "normal".
Individual coaching helps uncover the root cause of a symptom so it can be addressed in a functional and holistic way. Work 1:1 with our Ayurvedic Gut Health & Digestion Counselor, Mara Feil, or our Medical Advisor, Dr. Dannette Kallay.
Topics include: diet + nutrition, digestion...
We Don't Believe in Hangry
As gut healers and busy parents, we promote a mindful and convenient approach to cleansing without resorting to starvation, powders, or medications.
Our programs use Kitchari, digestive teas, mineral solutions, and Ayurvedic herbs, to give you a satisfying and nourishing cleanse without the need for juices or salads.
There’s no hanger here!
Impactful Results
Digestive health drives whole-body health. That's why we’re so focused on cleansing + nourishing your gut.
Whether you’re REBOOTing, testing, or consulting with us 1:1, our collaborative work can achieve big wins.
Think: less gas + bloating; optimal weight; mental, physical, + sexual energy; glowing, youthful skin; mental clarity + sharp focus; deep + restful sleep; strong + lustrous hair; easy + regular elimination; and self awareness + emotional empowerment.
Guidance, Support + Accountability
The Gut Center frees you from the challenges of diet culture. Our community fosters connection, uniting individuals on gut health journeys for mutual support and well-being. Seasonal cleansing becomes a joyful, empowering, and collaborative endeavor in the company of others.
Our Member App and Group Chat, empowers you to ask questions, share wisdom, and fortify your resolve.
The gut is the epicenter of the body, where digestion, assimilation, and elimination occurs. The gut is where digested nutrients transform into blood, lymphatic fluid, and immunity; where impurities and toxins are filtered out by the liver and kidneys; and where detox occurs. When digestion weakens, toxins accumulate, and health symptoms originate.
Bloating, stubborn weight, constipation, skin rashes, inflammation, brain fog, low energy, mood swings, and poor sleep point to an accumulation of digestive toxins causing less-than-perfect gut health.
The gut is the driving force behind
glowing skin, effortless weight, natural energy, sound sleep, + clear thinking
and it’s exactly where to start when you want to finally look or feel better.
Ready to clean it up?
7 signs you need a Fall Detox
1. Feeling mentally anxious, fearful, forgetful, or obsessive;
2. Feeling mentally or physically exhausted despite 7+ hours sleep;
3. Can’t get the day started without a cup of coffee;
4. Skin/nails/hair that is dry, peeling, or ashy;
5. Bathroom irregularity, constipation, or frequent gassiness;
6. Joints that crack or pop easily;
7. Feeling cold or dry, even when bundled up!
How is Fall different?
In Fall, the body works to eliminate excess heat and toxins from Summer, preparing for Winter's cold, dry climate. Fall REBOOT focuses on cleansing, nourishing, and restoring the body’s systems to strengthen digestion, elimination, and balance the nervous system. Fall Kitchari spices help cleanse toxins + boost nutrient absorption to give the body a radiant glow and strengthen resilience for the season ahead.