"Trust Your Gut"

There’s hundreds of years of Eastern Medicine behind this mantra for a reason: the state of your digestion reflects the state of your health. So what’s yours telling you?

We’ll help you find out.

Think less bloating, more energy, less inflammation, more vitality.

At The Gut Center, we’re dedicated to transforming lives through functional health testing, Kitchari cleanses, personalized nutrition, supplement, + lifestyle protocols, and digestive products for optimal health and radiance.

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The gut is the epicenter of the body, where digestion, assimilation, and elimination occurs. The gut is where digested nutrients transform into blood, lymphatic fluid, and immunity; where impurities and toxins are filtered out by the liver and kidneys; and where detox occurs. When digestion weakens, toxins accumulate, and health symptoms originate.

Bloating, stubborn weight, constipation, skin rashes, inflammation, brain fog, low energy, mood swings, and poor sleep point to an accumulation of digestive toxins causing less-than-perfect gut health.

The gut is the driving force behind

glowing skin, effortless weight, natural energy, sound sleep, + clear thinking

and it’s exactly where to start when you want to finally look or feel better. 

Ready to clean it up?

What Clients Say:

"Shocked That I'm Not Hungry"

Shocked that I am not hungry.  I have never eaten until no longer hungry - usually eat until full/stuffed and eat fast.  I feel like I am listening more to my body.

- Ali, Summer '23

"I’ve lost and kept off 15lbs"

REBOOT totally helped kick start things for me! I’ve lost and kept off 15+ pounds and feel soooo much more in-tune with when I’m hungry / full than ever! 🙌❤️

- Dana, Summer '23

"I'll definitely be doing it again"

Thank you so much for leading us Mara! I enjoyed the cleanse, although it was definitely difficult. It was as much a mental cleanse for me - nearly meditative actually. I’ll definitely be doing it again

- Andy, Fall '23

"It's Been wonderful"

It's been wonderful. I've dropped ~4 pounds and I’m feeling great. I'm already looking forward to doing this cleanse again with you in a few months.

- Claudia, Spring '23


I feel so good now after REBOOT! Not as hungry, no bloating, not craving caffeine or sugar, etc. As of today I’ve lost about 4 pounds which is pretty much what I’ve been trying to lose since COVID.

- Kari, Fall '23

"I have so much energy"

I am feeling awesome! I feel that each REBOOT I have been able to do better and process more information. Right now, I have so much energy I don't want the feeling to go away! I loved having so much information in the way presented.

- Sapna, Fall '23